If you like it then you better put a date on it. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Ooh ooh, ooh oh.
If you write a blog, there are two cardinal sins that will sink your blog’s success. They are:
1) Not putting a date on your entries.
Things change quickly these days. New information comes out weekly, and technology updates at least every three months. If your blog entries don’t have a date-stamp on them, you’ll frustrate your readers and leave them wondering how up-to-date is your expertise.
2) Not putting anything up.
Everyone jumped on the blog bandwagon when WordPress made it easy for the layman to publish his or her own content. While your business may still be intact, your professional image will be compromised by the sound of crickets coming from your blog.
Before you decide to activate that blog on your website, make sure you have carved out some room in your work schedule to keep it updated. You don’t have to post every day or even every week, but if you post the dates of your entries, you can get away with posting something every few weeks.
There’s nothing worse than dead content. The good news is that keeping your content healthy is easy; just keep it current.